have to be reformulated to “how will the future NOT look like?”, for what I know this might be far easier to predict if we take on account that we live in a deeply individualistic society immerse in a world full of generalized advertising present in the mass media.
However in the future this might be very different since the mobile phones, tablets and other things grow in technology and complexity, even more specifically with the development of the augmented reality technology, which will allow agencies, designers and artists to create content that will only truly be seen by the people interested in it.
A lot of situations might change, imagine you are walking by in the street, you see a girl or boy you like, instead of starting the old style flirting activities, you might take out your mobile phone, point it at the face of your prospect and visualize with the TAT augmented ID (video below) information, photos and social media networks that this person decides to show, and suddenly, without any words or gestures used, you might meet the love of your life.
From digital marketing to graffiti this new technologies might change them all, since thanks to the information contained in your social media networks, advertisements will be more specific for your interests and activities. With this is possible to imagine a future where billboards disappear and augmented reality spots appear.
In the mist of an even higher dependency to technology and social networks to meet people and socialize, we might start seeing clearer streets from billboards but filled of hidden animations and projections, where new dimensions will exist with its different demons and rules, so, my question here is, what will you creative individual will do with this?