John Maeda
It’s on our nature to create, most of the times we just replicate unconsciously because there's so much images on our life that makes it harder to stay one step ahead of the current trend, but even if we know how to design we never stop trying.
There are big names whom transcended with their creations, and now they are considered "classics"; one of them and for me is Otl Aicher. Otl Aicher was the design director for the Munich 1972 games, he designed the pictograms used for the first time at that olympics with such elegance an clarity that never would be topped. These had been redesigned every olympic.Then the madness begin… this idea was so well executed that was used on every possible signage, advertising, poster, t-shirt.
Then became ICONIC, CLASSIC, something so great that it's part of our lives; this is the goal of every designer, to be remembered, to be a "classic", transcend.So, we see all the design community –not just graphic, also the fashion, industrial, interior, type– struggling and trying to create the next big thing on they area for just one reason, to be an icon.
Another iconic-breathtaking designer is Stefan Sagmeister, which has set a new design bound with the infamous poster for AIGA Detroit (right) by cutting all the type on his skin to represent the pain that seems to accompany most of his design projects.
And what about Lou Reed's poster "Set the Twilight Teeling " ?(bottom)
So, pretty much there are a lot of iconic people, Sagmeister, Spiekermann, Maeda, that probably will be classics on the design field and inspire the new artists… but is no reason to feel intimidated by the great designers, because every artist start as an amateur, first emulate their environment then adapt it to his personal preferences and finally creates; not because wants to replicate something or be with the mainstream. Once on this stage, it's all downhill for a nonstop creating creature in the searching to become a classic.